Arm Workout Frequency
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How Often Should I Train My Arms
People always ask how often should they train their arms if they want them to grow bigger.
Out of frustration and lack of knowledge many people start over training their arms when they don't see good results and thus leads to even poorer results.
I have spent years trying to make my arms grow without getting any results because I was doing the wrong things. In this article I will tell you how often you should train your arms so that they grow faster.
Arms training frequency
Research has shown that muscles keep repairing themselves for up to 7 days after a workout.
This means that after you train your biceps your body might need up to 7 days to restore the damage you made to its fibers in order to make it bigger.
Now when you train a muscle while it's still repairing itself you slow down its growth. So the optimal thing to do if you want bigger muscles is to train each muscle once a week.
Also don't forget that your arms are loaded when you do other exercises, for example the biceps is trained when doing back exercises and the triceps assists in the movement when you are doing bench press exercises.
What should hard gainers do
If you are skinny, ectomorph or a hardgainer then you should stick to these rules more than anyone else.
Your muscles need more time to recover and training the same muscle group more than once a week will certainly slow down your growth.
Remember that your muscles grow while you are at rest and not in the gym.
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