Build Big Arms
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How to Build Big Powerful Arms
It’s every man’s dream from childhood to
look like “The Rock” Dwayne Johnson when they wear a tight t-shirt. Having big,
strong arms isn’t just attractive to the ladies but it’s also great for
Besides looking good, powerful arms are
good for carrying stuff and opening those tight jar lids!
If you have thin flabby arms and want to
change that, here is how;
the Physiology of Arms
Most people don’t know the difference
between the different muscles in their arms.
Knowing this and what needs to be worked out to get big arms is crucial.

Biceps are on top of the arm and they
pull while triceps are below the upper arm and their job is also to pull. The
lower arm has flexors that curl the wrist and extensors responsible for
extending the arm.
These muscles should be exercised
separately, alternating from one to another.
Bodybuilding requires a lot of energy,
and burning fat is not the same as losing weight. It’s very important that you
eat more than usual and get a regimen that is special for muscle building. This
means they should take 1 gram of protein and 2 grams of starch for every pound
they weigh.
Someone who weighs 200 pounds should eat
200 grams of protein in a day and 400 grams of carbs. Eat a lot of red meat and
cereal if you want to see great results.
This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t load up
on vitamins; you need to take on more fruits and veggies than usual and if
possible get supplements of every nutrient you can think of. Finally drink a
lot of water and always have a protein shake with you.
Though there are many ways you can build
impressive arms, lifting weights is the most effective and fastest method.

Do 3 sets of standing barbell curls and
repeat 6 to 8 times
Do incline dumbbells curls the same way
Do 3 sets of preacher curls 6 to 8 reps
Finish with standing alternate dumbbell
curls 3 sets of 6 reps
3 sets of lying barbell triceps extension
3 sets of close-grip bench press or
overhead press
3 sets of dips of 6reps
Lying cable curl of 20 reps
Triceps push down of 20reps
3 sets of dead lifts of 6 to 8 reps
Rapid growth of muscles happens when
you’re resting not when working out. Ensure you work out only two or three days
in a week and rest the arms the other days. During workout days, make sure you
do nothing else strenuous after you leave the gym. 30 minutes of weight lifting
is enough to avoid injuries.
for Building Big Arms
Work out in the morning as opposed to
Repeat the sets at least 6 to 10 times
Don’t rest between sets and exercises on
workout days
Use the weights you can and increase this
as you become stronger
Building strong arms requires hard work
and commitment. You can do it at home with dumbbells, dips and push-ups. Be
creative and make it up as you go.
The Author
Having created the Crazy Gain website,
Kevin Hodges is focused on helping people build muscle and stay fit and
healthy. Exercise isn’t always easy but
once you’re motivated and have seen the results, it becomes part of your
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