Changing Workout Routines
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How Often Should You Change Your Workout Routine
How often should you change your workout? The one big red flag is if you have spent a considerable amount of time on a workout cycle and are not seeing any changes in your body, it is a hint that you need to do something different.
On the flip side of the coin, you don't want to always change your workout all the time. You need to have certain baseline benchmarks to be able to realize whether or not you are making gains. And you need to employ compound exercises that work the muscles at maximum contraction on a habitual basis.
It is smart to give a workout enough time to have an effect, and for you to become familiar with the exercises and how they work your muscles. You don't need to do something new every couple of weeks. Instead of muscle confusion, you will end up with workout confusion and no real gains.
Time in training also plays a role. Beginners don't need to be switching routines all around all the time. Advanced bodybuilders have more leeway to change things up.
Typically you should allow a minimum of 2-3 months for a workout cycle. And that's a minimum. Also – and this is crucial – if a workout is working for you, if you are gaining muscle, enjoying your training, don’t stop. Keep going and realizing those gains. If something is working, by all means keep it going. Some guys will work a particularly good cycle for as long as a year.
If a workout has not been effective after 2-3 months then you need to look for something new. Often changing things up radically will be enough to get things going. Don’t make small changes if something doesn’t work – make big changes to force new growth.
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