Ectomorph Weight Gain Tips
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How Can an Ectomorph Gain Weight
So everyone told you to eat more? Let me tell you that everyone is ignorant.
What works for a certain body type would never work for another body type and since we were created different we can't all play by the same set of rules.
Trying to gain size by eating if you are an ectomorph is like piling up papers inside a burning furnace hoping they will remain there. The burning furnace in this case is your fast metabolism and the papers are the food you feed yourself with.
So how can an ectmorph gain weight?
Whether you are a guy or a girl the gym is the soloution for your problem. Since you can hardly accumulate any fat you should find anther use for the food you eat and guess what, this use is muscle building.
Qhile ectomorphs can't accumulate too much fat they can build muscles like anyone else
the process takes time of course, it won't happen in a week or two but it's achievable.
I used to be an ectomorph and I was really skinny but that's just a memory now.
So what to do next?
Now you need to start reading about muscle building but beware
not all advice will work for your body type
actually, as an ectmorph, lots of the advice present on the internet can bring the opposite outcome!
But dont worry, this website has all the information a skinny guy needs in order to bulkup and change his body shape.
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