How Many Workouts A Week
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How Many Times Per Week Should I Exercise
That's one of the very popular questions people always ask, how many times per week should I exercise?
Before you know the answer to this question you need to get an idea about how muscles grow.
Muscle don't grow in the gym but they grow at home while you are resting as your body works on fixing the microscopic tears that happens in them as a result of lifting heavy weights.
Studies has shown that a body part might need up to 7 days in order to heal completely after a workout.
So based on these facts you must allow for sufficient rest time in order to allow your muscles to grow else they won't.
So how many times per week should you exercise?
Exercising routine
Here are some general rules that can help you define your exercise routine:
1) Don't train a body part more than once a week
2) Rest at least one day between 2 consecutive workouts especially if you are/were skinny
3) If you have to train for 2 consecutive days then make sure the muscles you are training are far apart. For example on day one you can train your pecs while on day 2 you can train your legs.
Based on these facts we can conclude that the best exercising routine is 3-4 days per week. Doing more than that might reduce the efficiency of your workouts and slow down your growth.
How many times per week should skinny guys exercise
If you are a skinny guy then by all means you shouldn't go to the gym more than 3 times a week or else you will end up growing too slowly or even losing body mass!
We skinny guys have fast metabolism and unless we get enough rest our muscles never grow big.
One of the biggest mistakes I used to make earlier was going to the gym more often when I didn't get good results while in fact that was only preventing me from seeing those results.
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