Muscle vs Fat
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Do Muscles Turn Into Fat
A friend once told me that he is afraid to exercise because he might not be able to keep going and he fears that his muscles will turn into fat when he stops..
Muscles being turned into fat is one of the most popular myths circulating around. Muscle and fat are made of completely different tissues and none of them can turn into one another.
So if muscles can never turn into fat then why do people who stop working out lose muscle and develop fat?
When you start exercising your metabolic rate will become faster and you will feel like eating more.
As a result of this improvement in your appetite you will find yourself eating more food than you used to eat.
Now when you stop exercising you will still be eating the extra amounts of food for a while and since your body will find no need for them they will turn into fat. In addition your metabolic rate will slow down again thus allowing the accumulation of fat.
So in fact you didn't gain fat because your muscles turned into fat but because of the extra food that was not needed. If you are suffering from an injury and have to stop exercising for a while then don't worry because as soon as you will return back to your normal routine you will lose this fat.
If you don't want to accumulate fat in this period then just reduce the amount of carbs in your diet.
How long does it take to lose muscles?
So if you stopped working out, how long does it take before you lose your muscles?
I have heard that your muscles could remain there for 6 months without working out but I doubt that this is true.
Personally I tried stopping for 2 month (because of an injury) and I only lost about 5-10% of my muscle mass and in just 2 weeks I regained it all back when I returned back to exercising.
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