Off Season Workouts
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Off Season Bodybuilding Workout Routine
Competitive bodybuilders cycle in and out of the competition season and the off-season. And you don't have to be preparing for a contest to use these cycles.
Training in the off-season is generally different than competitive season workouts. Preparing for competitions involves getting ripped and really trimming down. Off-season training is the opposite. There are generally a couple of goals for the off-season. One is to put on more muscle size, and the other is to work on any weak spots you may have.
In the offseason your eating habits are different than when you are preparing for a competition. In the offseason your dietary aim is to eat to put on more muscular bulk. That doesnt mean putting on fat just muscle. A little gain of fat is okay but not much.
Offseason workout example utilizing 3 workouts per week with aim at building up rear deltoids:
Workout 1
Warm up
Heavy bench press - 3 x 7
Incline bench 2 x 8
Behind-the-head press 2 x 7
Upright rowing 3 x 7
Chin up, wide, weighted 3 x 10
Bent row 3 x 8
Bent Lateral raise 3 x 10
Bent lateral cable raise 2 x 12
Workout 2
Warm up
Squat 5 x 5
Walking lunge 2 x length of gym
Stiff leg deadlift 3 x 10
Weighted (vest) one leg calf raise 5 x 10
Deadlift 3 x 5
Workout 3
Warm up
Heavy close grip bench press 3 x 5
Skullcrushers 3 x 8
Cable kickbacks 3 x 8
Chin ups narrow grip 4 x 12
Barbell curls 3 x 8
Incline dumbbell curls 3 x 12
One night a week neck and ab work
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