Sick of Being Skinny
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I'm Sick of Being So Skinny
Sick of being skinny?
If you are sick of being skinny and if you did your best to gain weight but never manged to then know that you have the Ectomorph body type.
The Ectomorph body type is a body that has a very high metabolic rate compared to other bodies and that's why it burns nutrients very quickly and never allows fat to accumulate.
Most of the people who have the Ectomorph body type never understand the fact that Eating alone would lead them nowhere, imagine that you have a big furnace that burns whatever you throw into it, will throwing more objects prevent the furnace from burning them? No that would never happen!
What's the soloution to the problem of being skinny
People who tell you to eat more are ignorant of your body type and while their advice might be perfect for their own bodies for you it will be a waste of time and efforts.
Whether you are a guy or a girl there is only one soloution to this problem which is going to the gym. The gym allows skinny guys to build muscle and so appear bigger while it allows skinny girls to have toned muscles and this makes them become attractive.
The good news is that like you I was very skinny to the extent that my friends used to call me skeleton when I was in school but I managed to develop muscles and to look great, so don't worry, if I did it then you can do it too.
The great news for skinny guys
After you know this fact you won't feel sick of being skinny anymore. While people who have other body types might need to spend hours in the gym in order to develop muscles we skinny people have the genetic advantage of developing muscles with less training.
For a skinny guy less is more, if you went to the gym everyday for 2 hours then your fast metabolic rate will end up burning your own muscles in order to find nutrients!
So after all being skinny is a bliss if you managed to commit to the gym three times a week. In this site you will find all the information you need in order to undergo the transformation from being skinny to being muscular.
So if you are sick of being skinny just keep reading and you will get rid of this problem here.
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