Skinny Guy Bodybuilding
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Bodybuilding For Skinny Guys
I used to be a skinny guy to the extent that my friends used to call me skeleton.
I have spent years trying to develop muscles and to grow big but I didn't manage to do that except after years of trying, not because bodybuilding takes all this time but because I wasn't following a workout program that suits my body type.
We skinny guys have different genetic structure, a faster metabolic rate and completely different body type thus we can never play by the same rules everybody else follows.
In this article I will tell you about the workout that suits your skinny body and that will help you grow.
How should a skinny guy exercise?
Your body needs more rest: Your metabolic rate is very fast and unless you rest more than everyone else your body will break down your muscles to get the required nutrients it needs.
Never train the same muscle twice a week: Now that's one of the biggest mistakes I did. When a skinny guy trains the same muscle more than once the muscle never recovers fully and so it hardly grows. Train each muscle only once a week.
Forget about Cardio and six packs, for a while: It's almost impossible for a skinny guy to grow fast and to lose fat at the same time. If you want to grow bigger then your calorie intake must be more than what your body needs while if you want to lose fat you should do the opposite. Forget about cardio until you reach the desired size then focus on trimming fat later.
Apply progressive overload: Before I didn't quite get why wasn't I growing but then I discovered the concept called progressive overload which states that in order for the muscle to grow a progressive load must be exerted on it. This means that you must increase the load the muscle is subjected to each time you exercise in order to stimulate it to grow.
Forget about machines yes all of them: Machines slow down the body's growth compared to free weights. Forget about all kinds of machines and go for dumbbells and barbells.
Don't lift heavy, lift heavy with perfect performance: Most skinny guys do this mistake. They lift very heavy weights that are carried on their tendons, joints, bones and other muscle groups other than the targeted muscle groups. In order to grow you must lift heavy but that heavy weight must be carried by your muscles and not anything else. As soon as you find yourself doing the exercise correctly because of an extremely heavy weight then reduce the weight
To increase your bodybuilding workout results fast go to X-Size Bodybuilding