Skinny Guy Six Pack
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How Can a Skinny Guy Get a Six Pack
First of all you must understand that it's not possible to both lose fat and to get bigger. The best way to have a perfect shape is to focus on growth first then after you grow big enough you focus on trimming fat.
The good news is that we skinny guys have fast metabolism that allows us to lose fat quickly and this makes the development of six pack abs an easy process.
So why do skinny guys fail to get six packs?
If skinny guys have a fast metabolic rate then they should be able to get a six pack quickly right? Then why most of them never manage to do so?
The reason most skinny guys never manage to get six pack abs is that they don't understand the fact that the final body shape is the result of both training and diet.
This means that if you are eating lots of carbs especially before you sleep then you might never get a six pack even if you train your abs hard. This is another reason why you can't both grow and build six pack abs at the same time because growth requires extra amounts of calories while the six packs require a special diet.
So how can you get a six pack?
Forget about fizzy drinks and soda
Eat minimal carbs at night
Forget about fast food
Forget about sugar
Eat lots of fruits especially when you feel like wanting sugar
Avoid over eating after 6 pm
In addition to diet you need to run at least 2 times a week for about 20 minutes each to help in getting rid of excess fat. You should train your abs 3 times a week and do at least 200 reps total during each training day.
Combine running, proper eating with exercising and you will certainly get six pack abs.
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