Skinny Guy Workout
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Workout For Skinny Guys
I know you are fed up of people telling you to eat more or to do compound exercises and that's why i am going to tell you something else.
While eating more and doing some compound exercises would help still on their own they won't transform your body.
I used to be a skinny guy, actually very skinny, but not anymore. During my journey to building muscles I discovered that there are few tips that if taken into consideration can change the shape of your skinny body completely.
In this article I will tell you about the right workout for skinny guys.
The right workout routine for skinny guys
In order for your muscles to grow you must give them a reason, you must put a big load on your muscle in order to stimulate it to grow.
When you use as heavy a load as you can lift some microscopic tears happen to your muscle fibers. These tears stimulate your brain to send signals for muscle growth in order to prevent similar damage from happening in the future.
Now if you lift light weights and do 15 reps you will never stimulate your muscles to grow. Some people get this wrong and start lifting very heavy weights that they can barley lift but this is wrong.
In order to stimulate growth you need to lift a heavy weight for about 8 reps. If you got more than 10 reps then increase the weight, while if you got less than 6 reps then decrease the weight.
More tips on the right workout routine for a skinny guy
Now that you have stimulated your muscles to grow you must allow the growth process to happen by avoiding over training, by resting as much as you can, by not going to them gym unless 48 hours pass and by eating a lot during your rest period.
We skinny guys have fast metabolic rate thus if we didn't take enough rest from the gym we will lose our muscles. Some people might think of this as a disadvantage but in fact its a good advantage because we need to do less in order to get more.
During the rest you should be eating once every 3 hours. 4 meals a day are ok but five meals will do you miracles.
Forget about cardio and running until you grow big then move on to phase two which is trimming fat when you can afford to lose some body weight.
To increase your bodybuilding workout results fast go to X-Size Bodybuilding