Skinny Muscle Gain
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Skinny And Want To Gain Muscle
Most skinny people who want to build muscles quickly become impressed by the before and after pictures they see in magazines thinking that its possible to move on from being skinny to muscular without having any body fat.
The piece of truth that all of those people doesn't know is that there is a third picture that is never displayed in mags and that should be placed between the before and after pics.
In order to build muscle you need to do certain things while in order to lose fat you need to do completely different things. The bodybuilders you see in mags first bulk up by eating a lot and exercising hard and then when they reach a certain desired size they start to change their approach in order to trim down the fat.
You can't both gain muscle and lose fat
Even if this is possible your progress is going to be very slow compared to your progress if you divided your
body building process to phases.
The first phase would be bulking up where you eat a lot, exercise hard and save your energy to allow muscle growth.
The second phase would be maintaining your muscles or growing them slowly while trimming down body fat.
The reason skinny guys hardly grow
When I see skinny guys exercising at the gym I become amazed because they focus on cardio as much as they focus on weight lifting not knowing that by doing so they are pulling their bodies in 2 opposite directions.
I used to be very skinny and I managed to bulk up when I started eating a lot, that certainly forced my body to accumulate some fat but because we skinny guys have fast metabolic rate I managed to burn them very quickly in phase 2.
In short, focus on growth alone and when you grow big enough start thinking about your six pack.
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