Stop Muscle Shrinking
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Why Do Muscles Shrink After Workout
Lots of people asked me that question and that's why I decided to write an article about it.
The first thing you need to know about your muscles is that they NEVER grow during a workout but they grow while you are resting and mainly sleeping.
When you train hard some of the fibers in your muscles tear down. When rest and eat your body repairs the torn tissue but in a bigger form this time.
So why do my muscles shrink after a workout?
In fact your muscles doesn't grow during a workout but you just see them bigger because of the blood that flows to them as a result of weight lifting.
So during workouts your muscles become pumped but never bigger and few hours after you stop working out blood stars flowing regularly to your other body parts and so your muscles appear as if they shrunk.
How can a skinny guy have big muscles
I used to be very skinny, I spent years doing to the gym doing unimaginable effort and yet I wasn't gaining any more mass, I was even losing muscles!
What I learned in the past 10 years is that we skinny guys have a fast metabolic rate and unless we take that metabolic rate in mind while training we will lose muscles.
How to stop your muscles from shrinking
It's not just heavy weights, it's heavy weights and correct performance: I have spent at least one year lifting very heavy weights but I wasn't gaining any muscle mass. What I discovered is that the weight was so heavy for my muscles and so it was carried by my tendons, joints and bones thus my muscles never grew. If you want to prevent your muscles from shrinking then make sure you are carrying the heavy wieghts on your muscles only.
If you are skinny then don't do the following: If you are skinny then your metabolic rate is so fast, you must never train more than three times a week, spend a long time in the gym, train the same muscle more than once a week and in addition you should rest for three consecutive days each month and for one week each 2 month.
Apply progressive overload on the muscle: Your muscles will never grow unless you keep loading them more each time you hit the gym.
Forget about cardio for a while: You can't drive a car in 2 directions at the same time, you should either focus on growth or fat loss. Focus on both together and your muscles will grow less or even shrink.
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