Supersets Workout
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Bodybuilding Supersets Routines
Super-sizing your workouts with supersets
When you first begin your workouts, you will experience amazing results for the first couple of months. It seems just about every week you’ll be adding weight to the bar and watching your muscles super-size. Unfortunately such great progress won’t last forever. Those weekly strength increases will become monthly (or not at all) and your shirtsleeves won’t be getting any tighter. Let’s assume that this is the stage you’re at right now. You’re probably reading muscle magazines or surfing online to find ways to combat this phenomenon. You may even be consulting the so-called “experts” at the local gym. In other words, you’re starting to get desperate.
If you're used to doing straight sets (3 or more sets of an exercise, for a given number of reps with about 60-seconds in between), maybe you're ready to try something new. To keep progressing - and to keep from getting bored - it's a good idea to change your workout routine every 4-6 weeks. Altering your current workout by simply changing exercises or by adding weight, sets, or reps, will also have an impact. But if you want to take it a step further and really super-size, try supersets.
Supersetting is an incredible way to save time, add intensity to your workouts, and most important, build more muscle mass. In simple terms supersetting is an advanced training method in which you perform two exercises, one after the other, with little or no rest in between. The exercises can be for the same muscle group or for two different muscle groups, usually opposing muscles.
The Benefits
There are numerous benefits of supersets. Here are the best:
Saves time: Going from one exercise to another without rest will make your workouts shorter and more efficient.
Increases intensity: Because you're working the same muscle, but with different exercises, you're increasing the intensity of your workout.
Overloading: Supersets allows you to overload your muscles and super-size without using heavy weights. This technique is ideal for someone who wants to build muscle, but doesn't have a spotter; and great for someone just coming back from an injury or just doesn't want to risk using heavy weights.
Make things interesting: If you're like most people, you've been doing straight sets forever. Supersetting can ‘spice up’ your workout, making it a lot more exciting and definitely more challenging.
It’s easy to set up: All you do is pick two exercises for the same muscle group and do them one after the other.
Offers various unique combinations: You don't have to do exercises for the same muscle group. You can do opposing muscle groups or even two complete different parts of the body with supersets.
Supersets combinations – same muscle
Muscle Exercises
Thighs Squat – Leg Press
Leg Press – Leg extension
Hamstrings Lying Leg curl – stiff-leg deadlifts
Seated leg curl – back extensions
Calves Standing calf raise - seated calf raise
Seated calf raise - toe Press
Chest Flat dumbell fly – incline dumbell press
Flat barbell Press – Flat dumbell fly
Back Straight-arm pushdown – front pulldown
Chin-ups – seated rows
Biceps Preacher curl – narrow chins
Incline dumbell curl – Cable curl
Triceps Lying EZ-bar extension – narrow press
Pushdowns – bench dips
Abdominals Crunch – reverse crunch
Hanging leg raise – Swiss Ball crunch
Superset combinations – opposing muscles
Muscle Exercises
Thighs and Hamstrings Squat – Leg curl
Leg Press – Stiff-leg deadlifts
Chest and Back Chin-ups – Barbell Press
Dips – Barbell Rows
Biceps and Triceps Lying EZ-bar extensions – Standing EZ-bar curls
Two-arm dumbell extensions – Incline dumbell curls
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