Why am I Skinny
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Why am I So Skinny and Can't Gain Weight
Sick of being skinny?
Are you too skinny?
Are you tired of getting comments about your body shape?
I understand how you feel because I was just like you one day, some friends used to even call me Skeleton! If you were always skinny since the day you were born then most probably you have the Ectomorph body type.
This body type is genetically coded to have a very high metabolic rate (the rate with which nutrients that enter the body get burned) and that's why it burns food so quickly.
I am sure that uneducated people asked you to eat more or that you even got comments like "you should eat more dear you are so skinny" but in fact that advice ts nonsense.
Trying to gain weight by eating if you were an ectomorph is like throwing wood inside the hot blast furnace then wishing that the furnace won't burn the wood.
So how to improve your body shape if you are skinny and can't gain weight?
There is only one place where you can do that whether you were a guy or a girl, which is the Gym!
The gym can help skinny guys grow while it can help skinny girls get toned bodies. Guys have so much testosterone so their bodies will grow as a result of weight training while women have much less of it and that's why their bodies will just get toned.
If you don't believe that gym is your only solution then bookmark this page, start eating all what you can eat and then come back when you fail to sustain any new weight that you gain.
What kind of training should I do in the gym
You need to lift heavy weights. The human body was prefectly designed for adaptaption ever wondering why most swimmers have broad shoulders? Its because their bodies adapted to the water resistance and the same thing exactly will happen to your body when you start applying some resistence on it in the gym.
If this was convincing enough for you then go through the articles in this website and you will know what to do exactly in order to grow if you are skinny.
To increase your bodybuilding workout results fast go to X-Size Bodybuilding